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Reasons for having Tree Removal Services

Posted on February 23 2014

Tree removal torontoThe most important aspect to all tree removal projects is to ensure that uprooting the tree is the most viable option to the given condition or situation. An unstable tree is the outcome of its awkward growth patterns or due to damages caused by a storm. Though said tree can be salvaged through hiring a company specializing in tree removal in Richmond Hill, like theTimberlane Tree Service, to cable and brace the tree, only a professional arborist (the term for tree doctors) can tell if that particular tree is salvageable or not. If not, the removal of the tree needs to be done. This article lists down some common reasons as to why tree removal is very necessary.


Tree Diseases


Like humans, a tree having a disease is reason enough to remove it so as to prevent it from dying down. Tree diseases can be caused by a lot of external factors; some diseases are due to living organisms having a parasitic growth inside, and some are due to the existence of non-living things. But removing it is not immediately necessary. An arborist will be the one to determine if the diseased tree is treatable or not.


Dead Trees


Trees, being a living thing, also have life cycles. They grow, bloom, mature, and naturally die. Some plants can live on for 15 to 20 years, and some can endure the test of time for a century. Whether a tree is able to complete the life cycle or not, it will eventually die either naturally, or through diseases and external factors like fire, storm, or hurricane. Deterioration is inevitable to dead plants, and is hazardous not to only the environment, but also to humans once not removed.


Hazard to a property


Trees are plants with a large rooting networking. Their roots cover up a big space underground. The rooting system can therefore be a potential risk to a structure’s foundation if the tree is situated near a building or home. Pressure coming from the roots can affect the foundation, or create an unsettling effect to the foundation due to the lessened soil moisture. Removal of such trees is therefore vital to avoid structural damages.


Landscaping Problems


Even healthy trees are being uprooted, but they are just going to be relocated. This tree removal reason may be due to the desire of the property owner to design a new landscape for his lot.


Before going through the motions of “Project: Tree Removal”, make sure to go over all city or community regulations and guidelines with regards to plant and tree removal. You might get penalized if you ever step over a legal matter, so another tip is to perform the project with the assistance of qualified arborists and tree experts.